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General Information

This page is intended to provide relevant and useful information to help the community. Please help us in making this useful to those who have lived here for a long period of time as well as being the go to help for new residents.


Algoa FM Cancer Walk 2022


Upcoming Events:

  • Monthly Community Get Together. Join us on the second Friday of the month as we welcome new members to the Royalston Community, whilst socializing with the rest of the community. This will be a bring-and-braai at the Boma, starting from 5:30pm.

The Boma

The Boma is privately owned. The Boma was upgraded with the work and materials being donated by some Royalston residents. The Boma is only available to Royalston residents and cannot be hired out by non-residents. Where functions held by Royalston residents include non-residents, the resident is responsible and liable for their guests.

  • You must book the Boma if you wish to reserve it for a function. Bookings to be made with the Royalston Office.

  • Fees are payable for the usage of the venue and/or the cleaning thereof. These may be waived dependent on the individual circumstances of each booking.

  • You will receive the key to the kitchen before the event. Please make certain you make arrangements to pick it up from the Royalston Office.

  • If non-residents are attending please make certain that security is made aware of this and a list of guests is handed to the front gate.

  • The kitchen must be locked and the key returned after the event.

  • The lighting from the solar is situated in the kitchen. Please make certain all lights are switched off before leaving and the relevant solar switches, switched off.

  • It is YOUR responsibility to make certain the Boma is clean before the event.

  • You MUST also clean the Boma before leaving.

  • If the event was held in the evening/night, please return the following morning to make certain everything was cleaned up properly and all rubbish removed.

  • You MUST remove all garbage from the Boma.

  • All fires, at the braai area and firepit, must be extinguished before leaving.

  • Please advise the Front Gate that the event is finished and the Boma shut down.

  • NO access to the bird hide via the locked gate or otherwise.


The Javali Clubhouse

The building in which the clubhouse resides is privately owned. Javali Restaurant runs its business from these premises.

  • All functions and use of facilities must be booked through Javali.

  • The Clubhouse will be locked and is only available during the same hours as Javali, unless prior arrangement has been made. This was sadly necessitated due to theft and other incidents. 

  • No food or drink may be brought onto the premises.

  • You may NOT make private use of any Javali's crockery, utensils or anything related to Javali.

  • You may NOT take any food or drink from Javali without being served by a staff member.

  • NO children are allowed after hours (non Javali hours).

  • Children must be supervised at all times.

  • The kitchen is off bounds to everyone but Javali staff.

  • The upstairs function room is part of Javali's business.

  • The braai area is part of Javali and was built to host Javali functions.

  • The Clubhouse hosts a small library which operates on an honesty system.

  • Javali provides a free WiFi service.


WhatsApp Groups

You will be added to the relevant WhatsApp groups by the administrators of those groups.


Royalston Residents Forum

  • This group is for people residing on Royalston.

  • Posting between 6:30am and 8pm.

  • NO religious posts allowed.

  • NO political posts allowed.

  • No offensive posts allowed.

  • People not following the above rules will be removed.

  • If you report an issue, please report back when that issue has been resolved. For example where there has been an electricity outage, please advise when power is returned.


Royalston Neighbourhood Watch

  • This group is for people residing on Royalston.

  • Please keep posts related to security issues.

  • Between the hours of 8pm and 6.30am please restrict communications to emergencies in order to keep the channels of communication open..


Royalston HOA

  • This group is for owners of property on Royalston.

  • Home owner information (electrical shutdowns, water shutdowns, AGMs etc.) will be posted on this group. 


Rules of Game Drives:

  • The animals have right of way. Do not harass them or get too close. Respect them and do NOT get into their personal space.

  • Remember at all times these are wild animals. Although they will normally avoid humans, a mother will defend its young.

  • Do NOT feed any of the animals.

  • Keep to the paved, gravel and allowed two-tracks. See the map for which two tracks are drivable. 

  • Do NOT go off track. The vegetation is based on top of sea sand and takes a long time to recover. There are holes where animals might have their burrows and birds often nest on the ground.

  • If you are taking a night drive let security at the front gate know so they do not think there is a problem. It is also courteous to post on the Royalston Residents Forum WhatsApp group so houses that can see the Royalston Nature Reserve don't worry.


Game Drives

Enjoy the mammals and birds of Royalston by taking a self-drive on the Royalston Nature Reserve. Take a night drive to experience the nocturnal species.

  • Keep to the paved, gravel and traversable two-tracks. Do NOT go off road as the area is sensitive. The flora resides on sea sand and takes a while to recover. Birds nest and animals hide in the grass.

  • Respect the animals and approach with caution. 

  • If you go on a night drive contact the Front Gate. 

  • Put a message on the Royalston Neighbourhood Watch Group, which advises security of your planned movements. This also lets residents know so they do not worry when seeing vehicles in the Royalston Nature Reserve. 

  • There is no thoroughfare between the Lakehouse and the fishing braai area closest to the Lakehouse.



Enjoy the fishing on Royalston. 

  • Fishing is currently restricted to the Lake.

  • If there is a wedding or function fishing is only permitted on the far side of the lake away from the Lakehouse.

  • Parking is available at the two fishing braai areas (these areas will be upgraded in the future) and at the Lakehouse when there is no function.

  • There is no thoroughfare between the Lakehouse and the fishing braai area closest to the Lakehouse.

  • Do NOT go off road as the area around the lake is a very sensitive area.



Climate Information

There is a never a truer saying than you can experience 5 seasons in one day in Port Elizabeth.


We have created a table and graph of the average rainfall in Port Elizabeth and rainfall data collected from Giraffe Hill. Please note that Royalston seems to get higher rainfall than the averages due to its position in Port Elizabeth.


You can also look at the average temperatures for Port Elizabeth.


Are we the Windy City? It all really depends on how you classify wind. If we use the Beaufort Wind Scale, wind only really becomes felt by human beings when the wind speed exceeds 1.5 m/s (5.4 km/h). Cape Town experiences wind of 1.6 m/s or more on 95.6% of the days of the year. The Beaufort Wind Scale classifies any wind greater than 8 m/s (30 km/h) as a Fresh Breeze. In Cape Town a fresh breeze is experienced on 68 days of the year (18.7%) and in Port Elizabeth 73 days of the year (20.2%). According to Hugh van Niekerk, station manager of the South African Weather Service in Port Elizabeth, Cape Point is the windiest station and Port Elizabeth is the windiest city. Port Elizabeth notched an average speed of 4.3 m/s and has the country's second most frequent strong winds.


According to sailing members of the Algoa Yacht Club a basic rule of thumb is that every month with an R in it will have wind in Port Elizabeth. So the winter months of May to August are "relatively" wind free and the months of September to April coincide with the sailing season in Algoa Bay.


See the wind statistics here.



Medical Response and Stabilization: Tacnet APU has a preferential relationship with specific medical respondents, including ambulance services. Contact the front gate in case of emergency. 


Doctors: Royalston is proud to have Lilo Healthcare on its premises. The state of the art consulting rooms are situated next to the offices opposite the dog park. Founded by residents Drs Lia and Lorenzo Boretti. For full details visit the Lilo Healthcare website.


Pharmacy: Sonia Saayman, a Royalston resident, is a pharmacist and owner of Schuinvilla Pharmacy. Schuinvilla is contracted to all major medical aids and is a preferred provider for chronic meds. They also have Discovery MedXpres status. Scripts (just take a pic) can be WhatsApp'ed to Sonia (082 920 7233) or emailed to Sonia will drop off your medication in the evening at the front gate for your collection. If there is a levy or something not covered, or if you're Private, just EFT the amount to Schuinvilla.

Emergency Vehicles
Recycling Bins

Recycling Guide

Royalston is committed to the environment. We encourage everyone to follow the recycling guidelines.


Bluesquare supply two types of rubbish bags - black for general refuse and white / cream for recyclables. 


For more information on what is recyclable, you can find the Recycling Guidelines here.

Sewerage & SepticTanks

Royalston has its own off-grid, multi-phase sewerage reticulation system. Every household is required to have a two septic tank system, with the second tank serving the purpose of a buffer to protect the estate reticulation. Whilst the estate system has built in protections, constant misuse and abuse will ultimately damage the costly mechanical equipment. The onus is on residents / owners to ensure that neither they, nor their guests, contaminate the system with non-biodegradable matter. In other words, to be more specific, NO feminine hygiene products, baby wipes, contraceptives, cotton or micro-fibre towels, non paper towels or any other foreign matter should be flushed down toilets. Blockages or other sewerage issues caused by a failure to comply will be for the account of the negligent owner as determined.


Javali Cafe also stocks an affordable and reputable range of bio-friendly household cleaning products.


These products have been carefully selected and can be purchased by residents as concentrates. For more information, you may contact Nkosi Watson or Lea Strydom at Javali.



This is a list of suppliers in good standing.

NOTE: We do not take any responsibility for the quality and service of the suppliers. This is merely a list of suppliers that the estate and residents have used in order to help residents. Residents may request to have suppliers added to this list. All such requests will be only be added once the supplier is vetted.

Suppliers indicated in red are residents.

Suppliers in bold are used by the estate.



G Squared - Don Garcia - 084 444 9478

Francois Garcia - 063 142 8845


Land Surveyors

Andrew Hemsley - 083 449 1761

John Kotze - 082 498 8490



Relay Electrical - Blayne Bowren - 082 844 4281



Clinton Alterations - Clinton - 076 967 1728



Ritchie Solutions - Ryan Ritchie 082 301 0810



Aqua Solutions - Craig Thompson - 084 751 0188


Gas Installations

Mr Gas - Izak - 076 101 9001



Algoa Joinery - Cloven - 079 514 0845



Jannie Raubenheimer - 073 780 0483


Lawn Mowing:

Mo-Vic Gardens - 072 584 1896

Procut - Ashley - 082 569 7840


Garden Services

Gracious Mele - 062 759 0314


Pool Pump Repairs

Coastal Pool Projects - 073 069 3884


Window Washing:

Jerome Nicholson - 081 270 4019


Appliance Repairs:


Services and Sales

PLEASE NOTE: We are trying this out on a trial basis. After a number of months nobody has used this feature so we will discontinue it if there is no need for it.

Do you have a service you would like to advertise here? If you are a Royalston resident and would like to advertise your services to the Royalston community you can do so, here, for free. If you know of someone who would like to advertise their services to the Royalston community, for a small fee, we would be happy to advertise for them.

Do you have a goods that you would like to sell? If you are a Royalston resident and would like to sell your 2nd hand goods, crafts etc. to the Royalston community you can do so, here, for free. 

Product Sales
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